Horrifying footage from Sde Teiman shows Palestinian assaulted by IOF soldiers
Another case of grave human rights and international law violation has emerged from the notorious Israeli Sde Teiman prison, or what is called by many Palestinians who were tortured there as the "new Guantanamo". This case of a Palestinian detainee being physically and sexually assaulted by a group of Israeli occupation soldiers is not the first of its kind being reported since October 7, however, this time there is video footage live from the prison documenting the horrible incident. This footage is new, yet very familiar as it matches earlier reports showing how Palestinians are being treated inhumanely, being forced to lie on the floor face down, assaulted by the IOF, and how dogs are being used to psychologically and physically torture them. The detainee in this video was hospitalized following this crime, suffering from a torn rectum, broken ribs, ruptured bowels, and damaged lungs.