Once upon a time in the land of Aurea, there lived a boy named Majd, who was captured by two highwaymen from Listeria while he was playing with his friends. Then, his 24-hour nightmare of unimaginable torture began. Heartbreaking, isn’t it? However, this is not a fictional tale from a distant land. Majd Radwan, a 14-year-old Palestinian boy from Azzun in the occupied West Bank, endured a nightmare that illustrates the relentless brutality faced by Palestinians under the Israeli occupation. On April 29, Majd was captured by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and subjected to unimaginable torture. Blindfolded, beaten, threatened, and moved between multiple illegal Israeli prisons, Majd's 24-hour nightmare is a testament to the systemic violence inflicted on Palestinians on a daily basis. Majd’s story is a plea for the world to recognize and act against "Israel's" atrocities. Remember Majd Radwan and share his story to bring awareness to the plight of thousands of innocent Palestinians.